Do you feel the shift happening in the healing and wellness industry…


More importantly… are you being called to be a part of it?

The shift in wellness is being led by smart consumers and patients who no longer want to tolerate feeling powerless when it comes to their mental and physical health.   Managed care is just that managing illness, symptoms and pain but not actually getting to the cause and effects of our suffering.  More and more people are looking for the alternative to a whole host of medications that masks and numbs physical, emotional and mental illnesses as well as the side-effects that are often more dangerous than the cure.

What functional medicine professionals and concerned consumers and patients are finding, is that the source of healing keeps leading us back to the basics and solutions that might seem too simple until you look deeper, like:



An empowering list, as this puts health and wellness back in the hands of each and every person.  Breathwork is a studied practice that impacts and supports all of these areas of our wellbeing. That is because all of these areas offer rest, recovery and restoration to the body. We were never meant to process the artificial foods, the onslaught of demands and information we are now connected to through the internet, television, email and cell phones and the stress and complexities these have added to our lives, relationships, work, parenting and last but not least – time where we are unplugged and recovering.

The Mind-Body Connection is the awareness that what we think, feel and experience effects our body. When we are stressed, anxious or upset our bodies react telling us something isn’t right, whether our heart rate speeds up, our breath gets more shallow, or we withdraw and shut down.  BREATHWORK helps us regulate and manage our emotions in a way that helps you complete and process emotions rather than store them or stay stuck in them.

Nutrition and choosing a healthy diet needs little explanation, we have more and more choices and ingredients, but we are getting less of the proteins and minerals we need most.  Again having most of us seeking our simpler, purer options to put in our bodies.  BREATHWORK supplies more oxygen to all our body parts including our digestive system, thus making it work more efficiently. The increased blood flow due to deep breathing also encourages intestinal action which further improves your overall digestion which allows us to absorb more of what we need and process that which we don’t, reducing stress toxins like adrenalin and cortisol which are linked to weight gain, blood pressure, and heart issues.

Stress Management is critical, did you know that seventy-five percent to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.  BREATHWORK allows us to tap into the only autonomic function in our power that sends the signal to the brain to respond from a “RELAXED”  conscious place or a “STRESSED” survival, unconscious place.   Shallow breathing is the signal to our brain that we are stressed and it limits our ability to heal, feel and think from a more conscious place.  Deep conscious breathing sends the signal to our brain that we are safe so that we can function fully as our nervous system is not on high alert taking all of our energy and resources to survive.  Your body will not rest, reset, recover, or restore in the state of a stress response.

Sleep, when you close your eyes and fall asleep, your brain can attend to other issues within the body.  You are in a deep state of rest and relaxation allowing for recovery from illness, sore muscles, producing more white blood cells and healthy hormones that boost your immunity, energy while reducing inflammation. It is not just how much sleep we get but the quality of our sleep.  It is hard to reach deeper states of sleep when we are in a stressed, anxious or overthinking state.  BREATHWORK helps move the body from stressed to rest, by allowing us to process the emotions of the day in a healthy way and removing the static of our thoughts,

Movement, have you heard the saying – sitting is the new smoking? First stated by Dr. Levine and the evidence that a sedentary lifestyle leads to all kinds of issues including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and more. The long list of benefits from daily movement and exercise includes weight loss, increased energy, a positive mood, improved sleep, sharpened cognitive ability, and social connectivity, helping us release toxins and release positive hormones that again contribute to our ability to rest, digest and sleep deeply so we can recover. BREATHWORK can simulate exercise in releasing the same signals and hormones to the brain offering the same benefits, so even if you experience pain or feel less able to move, you can always lay on the floor and breathe deeply.

Attitude and Outlook pretty much take care of themselves if we take care of ourselves, by choosing thoughts, feelings, emotions, and practices that support our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Our BREATHWORK TEACHER TRAINING  is about supporting wellness leaders in empowering their clients and patients with a pure, simple, safe and profound way to heal, transform and connect with life at it’s highest levels. You can learn more about our next training by

Breathwork classes now in Mission Viejo, Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, San Clemente & Laguna Hills CLICK HERE for Upcoming Classes 

BREATHWORK TEACHER TRAINING, March 28 & 29th, 2020 – Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego
CLICK HERE to Learn More