For those times that you just feel off…
When you feel triggered, stuck or lost on your path…
When you find yourself trading your peace and path for approval or acceptance…
When you want to withdraw and take a step back because there is too much …. to do, feel, say, be

Do you ever wish there was a switch to take your power back?
That as simply as life can shut you down, it can also be turned back on?

Life is breath, and breath is the switch that can give you your power back.

Most of the time we are living in a state of stress, and while we have accepted this as the norm, IT’S NOT and it doesn’t have to be.  We were never meant to process the current amount of data, experiences, and information that cross our bodies, minds, and spirits on a daily basis.  It is like a computer having hundreds if not thousands of programs and apps running all at the same time. It will start acting up or just shut down – the same is true with our system.  When it is overwhelmed, tired, or experiencing a significantly stressful event, the overflow of emotions will be stored in our body to be processed later.  It inhibits us from our full potential because it is something unresolved in us that creates a condition and a lens through which we experience life.  It also presents itself as bugs in our system, triggers, anxiety, panic, depression and a host of other mental, physical and emotional symptoms.

You have had this switch all along, right under your nose.

Breathwork can be a life-changing practice, allowing you to access this switch in your brain between the stress response and relaxation response.

Your breath can determine the way your brain responds by sending a signal – when you have short, shallow rapid breaths you are sending the signal to your brain you are stressed and your body, mind, and spirit responds accordingly. Ultimately limiting your abilities to that of survival based thinking and being (yuck!.. unless you’re being chased by a tiger).  The stress response, releasing toxic hormones, causing adrenal fatigue and mental paralysis can be triggered and become a chronic way of living with the daily pressures we now have, like financial worries, work demands, family and relationships, as well as the daily social media, feeds and news of violence, crime, tragedies.

When you practice breathing deeply and consciously into your belly, you send a signal to your brain that you are safe, and when you are safe you experience an increased capacity in all areas, your mind can switch from the survival response and start operating from higher consciousness, body function, increasing immunity, releasing healthy hormones and the ability to process the emotions and experiences in a healthy way. While practicing breathwork you may also have access to release and clear old emotional patterns and scars because you are accessing them when you are in a state where they can be processed vs. being triggered into repeating self-defeating patterns where you continue to stuff and store things that cannot be healed or processed when you are in a state of stress.

Understanding this can help you master your emotions and life – you start to recognize and become aware of when you are living from a stressed or relaxed place, and how living from these places impacts your life, relationships, work, and capacity to take them all to the next level. With a consistent breathwork practice, it becomes a choice and you will find yourself choosing and shifting into peace and relaxation more and more and notice that this place is not passive but full of potential.

The choice is yours & you’ve had the power all along
Just B R E A T H E


TRU Breathwork Founder & Teacher

Breathwork classes now in Mission Viejo, Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach &
Laguna Hills
CLICK HERE for Upcoming Classes 

BREATHWORK TEACHER TRAINING, February 11 & 12th, 2020 – Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego
CLICK HERE to Learn More