it seems there are no words to prepare someone for the deeply personal experience of BREATHWORK…

LOVE it or HATE it – most people come out of their first BREATHWORK session wide-eyed and in a state of wonder or walk out quietly wondering what all the fuss is all about. Some diving deep, moving through waves of sensations and emotions to retrieve their truest nature and others meeting their own very real resistance to not just breathing but to letting life in. Breathwork can

Uproot all that we aren’t to be sorted out
(experience : = varying levels of emotion, discomfort and intensity)

Cause our ego to rise in panic and fear of losing control, losing power
(experience: disorienting inner wrestling with resistance)

Cause stuck emotions, experiences and emotional and physical pain to the surface
(experience: re-feeling, triggering and a completion or release)


can wake you up to the truth of who you really are

(experience: liberating, life-changing, your softest-soft, and strongest-strong)


having the realization that you are and have always had the power to heal, transform, and to know
it wasn’t a pill, a healer or a guru, a crystal, a sound, a chant or mantra, therapy or anything or anyone outside of you.